application development

Application development

The development of a centralized system, such as the Data Master, for the management of corporate data is essential to have complete data available, in a single location, that guarantee a single and global vision.

Data master

The information present within an organization, information such as personal data, customers, suppliers, products and so on, in the majority of cases are located in different systems that do not interface with each other.

The lack of connection between the different systems leads to dispersion, partiality and redundancy of information as well as complicating its retrieval.

Have a solution that acts as a glue between the various systems and that becomes the fulcrum of information collection, the company data master, where the information is collected and then distributed, in part or in full, to the various systems that require it use, is of primary importance for an organization that wishes to make the company IT system more efficient and obtain a single and complete view of the information in its possession.

For the development of a corporate data master starting from an application integration between legacy systems, at Koros Consulting we propose implementations of SOA architectures in which the coordination of the services exposed by each system takes place by means of a centralized Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).


Talend ESB

To allow the integration of existing web services, APIs and data sources, Talend offers ESB Studio, which allows you to quickly implement integrations and integrate them within the entire development process of the company data master, significantly reducing time.

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