

A business-oriented data analytics project can prove to be an immeasurable source of information to discover links and correlations between phenomena and make predictions.

Visualization, exploration and data science

A data collection is always and only a data collection if not treated effectively. If subjected to an analysis oriented to business needs, it can prove to be a source of insight, valuable information useful for decision-making processes.

Defining the right data analytics project for a company means identifying the right combination of business objectives and approaches to data management that enrich them with "useful way" in support of company competitiveness and profitability.

At Koros Consulting we believe that every data analytics project must be unique, like a tailored suit, sewn on the company and in support of its objectives.

In each project we lower our skills in data visualization and we use tools such as Power BI and Microstrategy to offer reliable insights and constantly updated analysis and Dash for the development of analytical web apps. We use Python and Spark for creating end-to-end data science workflows and for advanced predictive and machine learning algorithms. Through shared notebooks, developed through Jupyter, we prepare clean data in real time, ready for the formation of ML models for AI applications.


Power BI

Power BI represents the family of Microsoft tools for Business Intelligence capable of transforming corporate data into a set of interactive information, useful for making decisions. It is a solution that allows you to explore and model data from different sources in a model from which to generate engaging interactive views, publish reports and dashboards and share detailed information inside and outside the organization.


MicroStrategy is one of the world leaders in enterprise analytics and mobile software. A pioneer in the BI and Analytics segment, MicroStrategy creates innovative software by empowering users to make better decisions and transform the way they do business.


Open source web application that allows the creation and sharing of documents containing code, equations, graphics and text. It allows to perform data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning.


Framework for the design and development of interactive analytical web apps using the Python language. Mainly used for viewing and analyzing streaming data and for deploying machine learning models.

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